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Most Comprehensive List of Emotions and Their Meanings (Alphabetic Order)
- Acceptance: recognition, approval, favorable reception, agreement
- Adoration: worship, admiration, reverence
- Affection: fondness, warmth, care
- Aggravation: irritation, worsening of a situation
- Aggressiveness: attacking, fierceness
- Agitation: anxiety, disturbance
- Agony: great pain, suffering, intense emotion
- Alarm: distress signal, fear, warn somebody
- Alienation: make somebody feel unfriendly, make somebody feel disaffected
- Amazement: astonishment, strong feeling of wonder or surprise
- Amusement: feeling something is funny
- Anger: strong feeling of displeasure
- Anguish: extreme anxiety
- Annoyance: feeling of mild anger and impatience
- Anticipation: feeling of looking forward, usually excitedly or eagerly, to something that is going to happen
- Anxiety: nervousness or agitation, often about something that is going to happen
- Appreciation: praise, valuing something highly, gratefulness, full understanding
- Apprehension: feeling of anxiety or fear that something bad or unpleasant will happen
- Arousal: stimulation, provocation, excitement
- Astonishment: great amazement, often eliciting shock
- Attraction: magnetism, appealing
- Aversion: strong feeling of dislike of somebody or something
- Awe: feeling of amazement and respect mixed with fear that is often coupled with a feeling of personal insignificance or powerlessness
- Bitterness: mentally painful, very hard to accept, intense hostility
- Bliss: perfect happiness
- Boldness: fearless and adventurous
- Caring/Care: compassionate or showing concern for others
- Caution: carefulness, warning
- Cheerfulness: happy and optimistic mood
- Closeness: involved in a very friendly or affectionate relationship, involving or having regular contact because of a shared interest in something
- Compassion: sympathy for the suffering of others, often including a desire to help
- Completion: finishing of something
- Composure: calm and steady control over the emotions
- Confusion: state of being perplexed, lack of clarity, disorder
- Contempt: powerful feeling of dislike toward somebody or something considered to be worthless, inferior, or undeserving of respect
- Contentment: feeling of calm satisfaction
- Courage: being brave
- Cowardice: absence of courage, weakness
- Cruelty: mercilessness, unkindness, meanness, brutality, nastiness
- Defeat: failure to win or to realize a goal
- Dejection: great unhappiness
- Delight: great enjoyment and pleasure
- Depression: state of unhappiness and hopelessness
- Desire: wish, craving, or longing for something
- Despair: profound feeling that there is no hope
- Detachment: lack of interest in or involvement with other people or with worldly concerns
- Disappointment: feeling of being let down
- Discovery: something learned or found
- Disgust: strong disapproval or revulsion
- Dislike: disapproving feeling of not liking something or someone
- Dismay: feeling of hopelessness, disappointment or discouragement
- Displeasure: feeling of annoyance or dissatisfaction
- Disrespect: lack of respect
- Distress: mental suffering caused by grief, anxiety or unhappiness
- Dread: feeling of great fear or terror
- Eagerness: Enthusiastic and excited about doing something
- Ecstasy: feeling of intense delight
- Elation: feeling of great happiness and excitement
- Embarrassment: feeling of painful self-consciousness, uncomfortableness, shame or humiliation
- Enjoyment: pleasure that results from using or experiencing something
- Enthrallment: delight or fascinate somebody thoroughly, engaging that person's attention completely
- Enthusiasm: passionate interest in or eagerness to do something
- Envy: wanting what somebody else has
- Euphoria: feeling of great joy, excitement or well-being
- Exasperation: very angry or frustrated, often by repetition of something annoying
- Excitement: feeling or condition of lively enjoyment or pleasant anticipation
- Exhilaration: feel happy, excited, and more than usually vigorous and alive
- Expectancy/Expectation: excited awareness that something is about to happen
- Familiarity: closeness and friendliness in a personal relationship, an intimacy that is improper and presumptuous
- Fear: an unpleasant feeling of anxiety or apprehension caused by the presence or anticipation of danger, a concern about something that threatens to bring bad news or results
- Ferocity: rage, cruelty, wildness, viciousness
- Fondness: feeling love, affection, or preference for somebody or something
- Fright: a sudden intense feeling of being threatened or in danger
- Frustration: a feeling of disappointment, exasperation, or weariness caused by goals being thwarted or desires unsatisfied
- Fury: a state of excited or frenetic activity, an outburst of violent anger
- Gaiety:
- Gain:
- Generosity:
- Gladness:
- Glee:
- Gloom:
- Glumness:
- Greed:
- Grief:
- Grouchiness:
- Grumpiness:
- Guilt:
- Happiness:
- Hate/Hatred;
- Homesickness:
- Hope:
- Hopelessness:
- Horror:
- Hostility:
- Humiliation:
- Hurt:
- Hysteria:
- Incompleteness:
- Indifference:
- Infatuation:
- Innocence:
- Insecurity:
- Insult:
- Interest:
- Irritation:
- Isolation:
- Jealousy:
- Jolliness:
- Joviality:
- Joy:
- Jubilation:
- Liking:
- Loathing:
- Loneliness:
- Longing:
- Loss:
- Love:
- Lust:
- Melancholy:
- Misery:
- Modesty:
- Mortification:
- Mystery:
- Neglect:
- Nervousness:
- Optimism:
- Outrage:
- Pain:
- Panic:
- Passion:
- Patience:
- Pity:
- Pleasure:
- Pride:
- Privacy:
- Rage:
- Rapture:
- Rashness:
- Regret:
- Rejection:
- Relaxation:
- Relief:
- Remorse:
- Repentance:
- Repulsion:
- Resentment:
- Respect:
- Revulsion:
- Sadness:
- Satisfaction:
- Scorn:
- Security:
- Sentimentality:
- Shame:
- Shock:
- Sorrow:
- Spite:
- Stress;
- Subjection:
- Submission:
- Suffering:
- Surprise:
- Sympathy:
- Tenderness:
- Tenseness:
- Terror:
- Thrill:
- Timidity:
- Togetherness:
- Tolerance:
- Torment:
- Triumph:
- Uneasiness:
- Unhappiness:
- Vengefulness:
- Weariness:
- Woe:
- Wonder:
- Worry:
- Wrath:
- Zeal:
- Zest:
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